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Notice of 1st & 2nd Readings - Bylaw No. 3289 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 209 - July 8, 2024 at 7pm


Bylaw No. 3289 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 209

Purpose:  To amend the Zoning Bylaw, 1996, No. 2100 as noted below.

Effective June 30, 2024 municipalities in British Columbia must permit “Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing” (“SSMUH”) on single detached home and duplex-zoned properties outside of Transit-Oriented Areas, by permitting up to a maximum of 4 dwelling units on a lot, and a maximum of 6 dwelling units on a lot if it is within 400 metres of a frequent bus service stop. The Province of BC also prohibits municipalities from requiring a minimum number of parking spaces on lots within 400 metres of a frequent bus service stop.

On June 17, 2024, Council adopted Bylaw 3284 to amend the Zoning Bylaw to permit SSMUH on RS1 and RS2 lots in the City’s Zoning Bylaw, by way of including a new permitted use in these zones, Plex-Homes, which permits the 4-6 units per single detached home and duplex-zoned lots as described above. The RS1 and RS2-zoned lots where Plex-Homes are now permitted in the City are shown in the map below.

During Council’s consideration of final adoption of Bylaw 3284 the interim parking approach for Plex-Homes was discussed. This approach is generally based on the per-unit parking requirement for homes with secondary suites on RS1 and RS2 lots, which is 1.5 parking spaces per unit. At that time staff noted that an additional Bylaw to guide parking for Plex-Homes, in advance of the adoption of the general Zoning Bylaw update, would be brought to Council in July 2024. Based on this, Bylaw 3289 proposes a Zoning Bylaw amendment to update parking requirements for Plex-Homes, to further implement Provincial SSMUH legislation and consider Provincial guidelines in accordance with Section 481.3 (7) of the Local Government Act.

In accordance with Provincial law, including section 464(4) of the Local Government Act, a public hearing will not be held related to this bylaw implementing these changes.

Bylaw No. 3289 proposes to:
•    Require a minimum of 1.5 parking spaces for Plex-Home units that are more than 90 square metres in gross floor area;
•    Require a minimum of 1 parking space for Plex-Home units that are less than or equal to 90 square metres in gross floor area; and
•    Require no parking spaces for Plex-Home units that are within 400 metres of a frequent bus stop, which is served by a bus route with an average frequency of 15 minutes or more frequent between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm, Monday to Friday, and 10 am and 6 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

The proposed changes in the Bylaw will not require landowners to change or reduce their existing parking for their existing buildings and number of units on their lots, or prevent landowners from providing more parking spaces than required for future Plex-Home developments. No changes are proposed to parking requirements for single-detached homes and secondary suites.

*Subject to the Airport Zoning Regulation

The proposed bylaw and explanatory memo may be viewed from Friday, June 28, 2024 to Monday, July 8, 2024 online at or in person at the Development Services department at City Hall, 20399 Douglas Crescent, Langley, Monday to Friday, 8:30AM - 4:30PM, excluding statutory holidays.

For further information, please contact:
Paula Kusack, Deputy Corporate Officer